I finally succumbed to my white fetish...even after reading Melissa's post at The Inspired Room" where she lists all of the hassel's of having white slipcovered furniture in your living room. I just needed this house to look like me even if it meant more washing and upkeep. (So far, that hasn't been the case.) I already had all the furniture hiding out in various bedrooms. I just never had the guts to bring it into my living room. I don't know why it was such a scarey thing, but it was. So here are before and after pictures, but please know it is a work in progress. I have only lived with it about two weeks so I'm constantly tweaking and adding and subtracting. It's hard to make a dark, new house look like a bright airy cottage... but I'm trying! My living room before"living room after Dining area beforeDining area afterMy husband's one condition: he gets to keep "Ugly Betty" (the recliner)My dog's one condition: She gets to keep her dog bed. So it's even gone shabby chic. (notice where she's laying though!)
It is looking very pretty, such a difference it is making! You know I adore the white slipcovers! (in spite of their upkeep, which of course is really only the case if you have younger children at home anyway! otherwise, i bet you can keep them nice and clean always!)
Too bad you have to keep Ugly Betty but I understand, husbands like to have a say and many of them would automatically veto all white furniture. Guess it is the least you can do since he is letting you have your fun! :-)
Thanks Melissa! I'm trying to figure out how to use that link so I can reference back to your post that I talked about - or at least your blog. I'm not too techno-savy! Sue
Great job incorporating the whites. I tried to do it but just couldn't seem to find my niche. This looks great though. Glad I came across your blog today.
The Velveteen Rabbit explains A Well Loved Home...
"Real isn't how you are made. It's a thing that happens to you when when a family loves you for a long, long time. Not just to live in, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real. Once you're Real you can't be ugly."
It is looking very pretty, such a difference it is making! You know I adore the white slipcovers! (in spite of their upkeep, which of course is really only the case if you have younger children at home anyway! otherwise, i bet you can keep them nice and clean always!)
Too bad you have to keep Ugly Betty but I understand, husbands like to have a say and many of them would automatically veto all white furniture. Guess it is the least you can do since he is letting you have your fun! :-)
Enjoy the new look!
Thanks Melissa! I'm trying to figure out how to use that link so I can reference back to your post that I talked about - or at least your blog. I'm not too techno-savy! Sue
Great job incorporating the whites. I tried to do it but just couldn't seem to find my niche. This looks great though. Glad I came across your blog today.
get somebody to make you a slipcover for that Ugly Betty! looking cute though.
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