It was a successful junking Saturday! I'm so excited to share my new found treasures I drug home. Dave is also ecstatic that none of my goodies require his intervention. Oh, by the way, you may have noticed my blog is getting a facelift this weekend. As soon as the renovations are complete, you will be able to click the button that will take you to my online store. Everything I'm working on and brought home today will be for sale. Here's a sneak peak - of course these are all "before's". Don't you just hate it when bloggers do that? Post the before's
before the after's are ready? I'll work real quick, ok?
This painting maybe the only find today that I will keep. The colors go wonderfully in my bedroom and I'm just drawn to her face. The painting cost $4.00
I'm a sucker for old glass bottles. I have plans for these! Look for them to show up soon in my online store looking just a tad different.

I just had to buy this cool, old metal piece. I'm going to add two pieces of glass. One in the middle and one on top for a funky repurposed coffee/plant table, don't you think? I picture it on a porch or white room.

Mirrors abound this weekend! Actually the white one I have already done, but have decided to redo it in black for my own bathroom. The other mirrors are awaiting a transformation. I love antique mirrors and have a hard time passing them up at sales!

This is actually an old sewing cabinet. The machine is long gone but I liked the lines and can picture it in a cottage color, glazed and distressed with glass knobs.

Can you believe I found this? A shabby french chair. (okay, maybe it's not
really from France!) I had to pay $30 for it. That's way over my comfort zone but it had to come home with me! I'm going to recover it in -
get this - painter's drop cloth. Seriously! You'll see... I'll leave the rest chippy and shabby.

Here is last weeks haul. I better get busy! They are still waiting patiently with just their primer on.