I am a Well Loved Daughter. Look what I just opened! Four HUGE bottles of the tulip scented Fruits and Passions fabric softener by Art Homes that I searched like a mad lady for and never found. Leave it to my mom to find these! She is the single most
resourceful mother anyone could possibly have. I really believe she could beat any private detective with her hands tied behind her back. She can find little know medical facts for rare dog diseases and then educate
her veterinarian. She's found strange dead relatives and rewritten our entire family tree
correctly. And she always - let me stress
always, figures out her Christmas presents. This sixth sense or detective quality used to irritate me when I was younger. I couldn't pull
anything over on my mom. She had already figured out what I was going to do before I did it. She just didn't tell me. And she didn't tell me about this great surprise either! I didn't even know she was looking. Mom, you know you are officially an "enabler" now. Sending a fabric softener addict her drug of choice qualifies you. However, I tried to figure out where she ordered it from and the writing is all in french. So unless she reveals her sources, she can limit my obsession (which is probably recommended.) I washed my sheets and all my blankets yesterday .When I crawled in to that heavenly smell last night, knowing I had used almost the very last of my tulip softener, I started getting a bit panicky. Today, I'm the happiest little blogger in Tuscaloosa. I'm leaving Friday for Nashville for a blogging convention to learn how to pitch to advertisers to my blog and turn it into a lucrative sideline. I really think Fruits and Passions needs to be my first advertiser, don't you? Thank you again, Mom! What can you say about a daughter who's favorite present ever is four jugs of fabric softener?