Few things can move us so deeply or have profound an impact on our psyches as the memories evoked by specific smells. A smell can take us back to childhood, conjure up a lost love or a sadness as real as the day we first experienced it. Smells invoke long-term memory and make the past present as none of the other senses can. The most direct of all our senses, smell has an immediate impact, uninfluenced by language and un-impaired by the passage of time. In the words of anthropologist Lauren Van Der Post, "Scent...is not only biologically the oldest but also the most evocative of all our senses. It goes deeper than conscious thought or organized memory and has a will of its own which human imagination is compelled to obey."
Are you starting to get the picture of how important your house smells is to selling it? Smell is the only sense with receptor nerve endings in direct contact with the outside world, providing a direct channel to the brain! The idea that something as noninvasive as natural odors can directly affect the mind is quite powerful. Certain fragrances and smells are already being used in a few large department stores because they are proven to encourage people to spend. Realtors know that the aroma of a few freshly baked brownies, strategically placed or the fragrance of a great candle or a few drops of essential oil on light bulbs improves your chances of smelling your home.
13 things to make your house smell good.
Here are some tips to get your house smelling fresh – fast!
1.bake bread — the house will smell delicious all day!
2.simmer cinnamon sticks with apple slices, or orange peels in water on the stove
3.burn scented candles
5.burn incense
6.put out bowls with sponges that have vanilla extract on them
7.open the windows and let the fresh air in
8.sprinkle carpet deodorizer on your carpets, leave, then vacuum
9.dried eucalyptus in arrangements smells great
10.use plug-in fresheners in hidden locations
11.spray your favorite perfume on an unlit lightbulb – the heat will warm up the scent and make the room smell great
12.put out dishes of dried rosemary and lavender, or in sachets in closets or drawers
13.use a product like Fridge-it to capture unwanted odors
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